Tips for Caring for Silk Pajamas

People have enjoyed silk pajamas for their softness, hygiene, and steady temperature since ancient times. A silk pajama is quite attractive when worn over the body, but many people have no idea how to keep the pajama clean when it is soiled by accident.

Here are some useful tips on how to wash silk pajamas:

Silk should not be soaked: One is because soap will either be calcium soap or magnesium soap when encountered because tap water includes calcium and magnesium bars. 

Because silk is positively charged and soap is negatively charged, the two easily combine, causing precipitation to stick to the surface and leave gray stains. It is therefore recommended to rinse silk with water or use detergent to clean it.

Silk pajama sets and other silk items will become deformed, lose their natural hardness, and have a shorter lifespan when they are washed with vigorous friction that causes the silk fibers to behave as though they were under the influence of magic.

Long-term washing should not be done on silk clothing: Sweat can contain salt, which can cause yellow stains to show up on the silk fabric of light-colored clothing.

Select a laundry detergent made for silk pajamas: After washing, silk clothing needs to be thoroughly washed. Whenever you wash silk items, use a good detergent. Silk cannot be cleaned with alkaline detergents or soaps since it is somewhat acidic, like human skin. Use a modest amount of neutral detergent instead (such as the detergent used for washing vegetables and fruits).

Vinegar should be added: To make the colors of silk fabrics more brilliant, your pajamas should be soaked in water that contains a few drops of acetic acid after being washed.

Silk garments should be carefully cleaned after collection for best results, by dry cleaning. You should only dry clean them once. In addition to getting rid of stains, it also preserves the fabric and design of the clothing. Insect control and sterilization are also beneficial. White silk should be wrapped in blue paper to prevent yellowing while gathering silk garments.

Best dry cleaned: Silk clothing should be properly cleaned after collection before dry cleaning. Once dry cleaning is preferable. It not only gets rid of stains but also preserves the fabric and shape of the garments. Sterilizing and killing insects can both be beneficial. White silk should be wrapped in blue paper while collecting silk garments to stop it from fading.

Brightly colored silk garments should be wrapped in dark paper to keep their color intact. Silk garments are lighter, less likely to extrude, and more easily wrinkled, and should be stored separately or placed on top of luggage.

Finally, although all THXSILK silk pajamas are machine washable and will continue to be soft and lustrous after numerous washings, silk still needs to be treated with the utmost care. Whenever silk pajamas are worn indoors, there is rarely any dust or grime to prevent staining. Pure mulberry silk does not collect bacteria and oils like cotton does.

As a result, your silk pajamas should not need to be washed as frequently as your regular street clothes. To prolong the wash cycle of your pajamas, it is advised that you take a shower at night. Finally, though, exercise common sense. It could be time to wash your pajamas if they smell unpleasant or have stains.